Thursday, August 9, 2007

10 questions GOD wont ask you when u get to heaven

If you take the time to read it and maybe apply it to your own makes you think. : )

1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove,
He'll ask, "how many people you drove who didn't have transportation."

2. God won't ask the square footage of your house,
He'll ask, "how many people you welcomed into your home."

3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
He'll ask, "how many you helped clothe."

4. God won't ask what your highest salary was,
He'll ask, "if you gave some to help others."

5. God won't ask what your job title was,
He'll ask, "if you performed your job to the best of your ability."

6. God won't ask how many friends you had,
He'll ask, "how many people to whom you were a friend."

7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,
He'll ask, "how you treated your neighbors."

8. God won't ask about the color of your skin,
He'll ask, "about the content of your character."

9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation,
He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10. God won't have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He already knows whether or not you are ashamed to share this information to whom you love.

Forward this link if you believe in God.

May God bless you.

96% of teens won't stand for Christ -- if your the 4%
that will .. pass this on ! <3

Forward this link to anyone you know

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Flower and the Butterfly

Once there was a woman who asked God for a flower and a butterfly. But instead God gave her a cactus and a caterpillar. The woman was sad, she didn’t understand why her request was mistaken.

Then she thought, "Oh well, God has too many people to care for."
And she decided not to question.

After some time the woman went to check up on her request that she had left forgotten. To her surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus, a beautiful flower had grown. And the unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into the most beautiful butterfly.

God always does things right. His way is always the best way, even if it seems all wrong to us.

If you asked God for one thing and you received another, don’t be disappointed – trust Him. You can be sure that He will always give you what you need at the appropriate time.

What you want is not always what you need. God never fails to grant our petitions, so keep on going for Him without doubting or murmuring.

Today’s THORN ….. is tomorrow’s FLOWER.
God gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to Him.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Kunci Pertama BERKAT

Manusia berusaha mendapatkan. Allah berusaha memberi. Memberi adalah caraNya Tuhan. Hidup dalam jalanNya Tuhan berarti menjadi seorang pemberi. Cara dunia untuk mengumpulkan dan meningkatkan uang, pakaian, harta miliki, rumah, tanah dan bisnis adalah dengan MENDAPATKAN.

Matius 6:31-33

Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir dan berkata: Apakah yang akan kami makan? Apakah yang akan kami minum? Apakah yang akan kami pakai? Semua itu dicari bangsa-bangsa yang tidak mengenal Allah. Akan tetapi Bapamu yang di sorga tahu, bahwa kamu memerlukan semuanya itu. TETAPI CARILAH dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka SEMUANYA ITU AKAN DITAMBAHKAN KEPADAMU.

Dalam kerajaan Allah, Yesus Kristus kelihatannya tidak punya masalah kalau kita mempunyai segala hal yang di sebut di atas. Akan tetapi Dia memberikan pernyataan bagaimana caranya untuk memperoleh
semua itu, bukan dengan MENDAPATKAN tetapi dengan MEMBERI.

Memberi adalah memberi. Memberi itu bukan membayar seseorang untuk apa yang sudah dikerjakannya. Memberi itu bukan menaruh sesuatu di tangan seseorang dengan ketentuan dia harus melakuan sesuatu.

Memberi itu bukan meminjamkan. Memberi itu adalah melepaskan sama sekali kendali tentang sesuatu hal
kepada orang lain, sehingga mereka bisa melakukan apa pun yang mereka suka kepada barang yang diberikan.

Kekayaan sejati tidak diukur dari apa yang yang dipunyai seseorang, tetapi bagaimana mereka memberi dibanding apa yang mereka miliki. Semua orang bisa memberi sesuatu. Kita termasuk orang kaya kalau kita bisa memberi sesuatu. Bahkan benda yang paling sederhana pun bisa menjadi suatu pemberian bagi orang lain. Kalau kita bertemu dengan orang yang tidak bisa tersenyum, kita bisa memberikan senyum kita kepadanya.

Hidup kita akan menjadi petualangan dalam memberi, bukannya pergumulan untuk mendapat.

Oleh : Pdt Daniel P. Martono

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mat 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”
Matthew 6:33

I remember, first time I got this chapter from a friend. He is a singer, his name Edward Chen. When he was in Surabaya for a concert, he gave me his first and second album. We didn’t meet each other because he was very busy. He must leave the hotel early. So he just left the CD at the hotel’s front office. He wrote on the CD

"To: Fendi
Mat 6:33"

At that time I was down. My business failed and I was stressful. Everyday I keep thinking how to make money?

As soon as I got home, I open my bible, read that chapter. From that time, I realized that I have to find the kingdom of God first and my problem will be solved.

But the problem is, where should I find the Kingdom of God?
Anyone can help me? Just post a comment.


Carilah dulu kerajaan Allah maka semuanya akan ditambahkan kepadamu.
Matius 6:33

Saya ingat, pertama kali saya memperoleh ayat ini dari seorang teman. Dia adalah seorang penyanyi lagu rohani, namanya Edward Chen. Waktu itu kebetulan dia lagi ada konser di Surabaya. Tapi kami tidak sempat bertemu karena dia sangat sibuk, harus buru-buru check out dari hotel. Jadi dia menitipkan dua CD, album pertama dan keduanya di resepsionis hotel. Di atas CD ada tulisan

“To: Fendi
Mat 6:33”

Waktu itu saya dalam keadaan down, usaha saya mengalami kegagalan, saya stress berat. Tiap hari saya selalu memeras otak untuk berpikir, bagaimana caranya menghasilkan uang?

Sampai di rumah, saya langsung membuka alkitab dan membaca ayat tersebut. Sejak saat itu saya sadar, bahwa saya harus mencari kerajaan Allah lebih dulu maka semua masalah saya akan teratasi.

Tapi masalahnya, kemana saya harus mencari kerajaan Allah?
Siapa yang bisa membantu saya? Silahkan tuliskan di comment!
